Latest version.
  • A Codification of the General Ordinances
    of the City of Metter, Georgia

    Beginning with Supp. No. 6,
    Supplemented by Municipal Code Corporation



    of the


    Edwin O. Boyd

    Council Members

    Amy Harrelson
    Brandon Sikes
    Chyrileen Kilcrease
    Paul MacGregor
    Rashida Daniel

    City Manager     City Clerk
    Mandi Cody       Angie Conner

    City Attorney     Chief of Police
    Brent Carter       Robert Shore

    Fire Chief     Building Inspector
    Jason Douglas       Cliff Hendrix


    The Metter Municipal Code, originally published by Book Publishing Company in 1997, has been kept current by regular supplementation by Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., its successor in interest.

    During original codification, the ordinances were compiled, edited and indexed by the editorial staff of Book Publishing Company under the direction of Wanda Leverett, City Administrator.

    Beginning with Supplement No. 6, Municipal Code Corporation will be keeping this code current by regular supplementation.

    The code is organized by subject matter under an expandable three-factor decimal numbering system which is designed to facilitate supplementation without disturbing the numbering of existing provisions. Each section number designates, in sequence, the numbers of the title, chapter, and section. Thus, Section 2.12.010 is Section .010, located in Chapter 2.12 of Title 2. In most instances, sections are numbered by tens (.010, .020, .030, etc.), leaving nine vacant positions between original sections to accommodate future provisions. Similarly, chapters and titles are numbered to provide for internal expansion.

    In parentheses following each section is a legislative history identifying the specific sources for the provisions of that section. This legislative history is complemented by a prior code cross-reference table, which sets out the location of individual sections of the prior code, and an ordinance disposition table, following the text of the code, listing by number all ordinances, their subjects, and where they appear in the codification.

    A subject matter index, with complete cross-referencing, locates specific code provisions by individual sections numbers.

    This supplement brings the code up to date through an ordinance passed January 14, 2019.

    Municipal Code Corporation
    1700 Capital Circle SW
    Tallahassee, FL 32310